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Dealing with Toxins in our Environment

Monday 29 January 2018

Today, let's look at positive actions we can take to protect our brains and bodies from toxins, and there are thousands in our 21st century environment. 

Dr Dietrich Klinghardt has been helping people to cleanse their bodies from environmental toxins for many years now. He is very highly regarded. Learning from Dr Klinghardt will be an advantage to your health.


Next, if you can, watch the video linked below by Tom Pinto, especially near the end where Tom talks about Dr Deitrich Klinghardt and his clinical protocol for clearing glyphosate from the human body. 


And another link to Alex Fergus, and his well researched column, “How to Protect yourself from Glyphosate”.


You know, I’m so encouraged that the health “experts” of today, are encouraging people to look for healing through lifestyle changes. Most of us are familiar with these “laws of health”:

  • nutrition,
  • physical activity,
  • prayer and meditation,
  • time in the fresh air,
  • rest and relaxation to deal with stress,
  • pure water,
  • good doses of sunlight
  • avoiding substances and behaviours that are damaging to the person or others around them.

Here is the first of several simple and useful actions to immediately start to detox your body of glyphosate and other toxinS.


A detox drink to start your day! A squirt of lemon juice in warm water, first thing upon rising. Dr Klinghardt talks about this, and he uses citric acid. Many people I have met over the years do lemon juice in warm water as the first drink of the day, every day, for decades.

The lemon water is said to kick start the liver in healthy people, do a rinse out of the digestive system ready for the first meal of the day, encourage a bowel movement and wake up the mind (instead of using caffeine).

Perhaps where you live lemons are really expensive, or not even available. That is okay. Look for a natural source of food or drink which is high in digestive cleansing properties. It is my firm belief that God has provided natural healing ways for all peoples, in every place in the world. Look around and see what grows locally to start your day well.

An example: In the Philippines, coconuts fall on the ground and lie there. They are not highly valued. But in Australia and New Zealand, coconut water is a sought after health drink. Perhaps where you live, coconut water can be your early morning cleansing drink.

A little lacto fermented juice from say, sauerkraut, in warm water can also be used.

For a number of years, I used vitamin c powder. There are quite a few types of vitamin C, and plain ascorbic acid can be tough on the digestive system. Personally I use calcium ascorbate powder.

For me, lemon juice creates digestive discomfort for about 24 hours, just as all fruit does. So if you are like me, you can use the lemon skin and pith, after it has been juiced. I squash the lemon skins in a jug of water, using a potato masher. This helps to release the oils and healing portions of the pith.

More next time…think bitter and pungent…

Posted: Mon 29 Jan 2018
