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A Prayer a Day keeps the devil away!

Wednesday 2 November 2016

This week, let us strengthen ourselves, with the overriding power of the universe - God the Father and His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. You can learn more about our Father in Heaven and His Son here.

The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD 

And He delights in His way.

Though he falls he shall not be utterly cast down;

For the LORD upholds him with His hand.

Psalm 37:23,24

Father in heaven, we acknowledge and worship You as Jehovah Shammah- Jehovah is there. How grateful we are to know that You are there beside us at every step we take.

Direct our steps in Your word. Etch Your word on our hearts that none of our steps shall slip. Thank You that both our steps and our stops are ordered by you. Show us today whether we are keeping in step with Your plans for our lives, running ahead of You or lagging behind. Is there any area in our lives where we need to:

  • Step out of our comfort zone?
  • Step out in faith?
  • Step aside and let someone else take over?
  • Take a step back and re-evaluate?
  • Retrace our steps?
  • Slow our steps to keep pace with somebody weaker needing our support?
  • Forgive and step towards someone to heal a broken relationship?

Thank you so much that when we do fall You are there to lift us up, steady us, sooth our wounds, brush us down, comfort us, encourage us and lead us in the right direction. How kind and compassionate Your hand is. Sometimes it’s hard to trust that You still love us, delight in us, when we fall because we have known other hands that have not been understanding of our weaknesses and failures. We have not known if those hands would strike or stroke us, draw us in or push us away, accept us or cast us away.

We commit our lives and our loved ones into Your hands today. We ask these things please in Jesus’ name. Be it unto us according to Your word. AMEN


Posted: Sun 13 Nov 2016
